The kids are LOVIN' soccer! Yesterday, we had their first games and seemed to be at the recreational park all day long. For their first years in soccer, it was nice to see that they both did a great job. Zachary can really kick the ball and
Kayla is pretty aggressive (funny how the pics I chose show them doing the opposite of their strengths). Both even got to play goalie.
Even though they didn't win their games, they had fun. After the game, we went out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings to kind of celebrate their love for the game.
After spending about 5 hours at the game and going out to eat, we were tuckered out! We got home around 6:45 last night and next thing I new, I was taking our dog Buddy out for his morning relief.
Today, Zachary has another game at 2:15. We are crossing our fingers for a win!